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The history of the "LVR GROUP" group of companies dates back to the declaration of Ukraine's independence, and its development is closely related to the stages of the formation of a young state.


"Every new business starts with a bright idea, a team of like-minded people and a great desire to bring joy to people"

Lyudmila Rusalina

President of the group of companies "LVR GROUP"

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Sierra Leone in Ukraine,

  founder of BF "Together

Людмила Русаліна Президент групи компаній "ЛВР Груп"
Група компаній «ЛВР ГРУП» поєднує сучасні виробничі та торгівельні підприємства, що досягли значних успіхів у виробництві якісних українських кондитерських виробів і алкогольних напоїв, індустрії краси, рекламі, складській логістиці та управлінні нерухомістю, а кожен бренд компанії має свою унікальну історію.

The "LVR GROUP" group of companies combines modern production and trading enterprises that have achieved significant success in the production of quality Ukrainian confectionery and alcoholic beverages, the beauty industry, advertising, warehouse logistics and real estate management, and each brand of the company has its own unique history.

The secret of the constant success of LVR GROUP products lies in the implementation of modern innovative technologies and thorough quality control at all stages of production. The enterprises of the holding constantly improve their own products, take part in international professional competitions.


"LVR Alko" is one of the leaders of the Ukrainian alcohol market, the strategic direction of which is the production and distribution of liquor and vodka products.


The history of "LVR Alko" begins in 2000, when the company became the administrator of the "Zlatohor" Zlotonsky distillery. Today, LVR Group's products are exported to more than 40 countries around the world.

"LVR Alko" has a balanced portfolio of brands, which ensures the presence of the company's products in all price segments. The main brands of "Petrus-Alko" are: Status, The Highland Fox, Happy Leaf, Stygla, Chekushka, Old Recipe, Zlatohor. The company also has several distribution branches.

Черкаська бісквітна фабрика


Confectionery company LVR Kondyter LLC - Ukrainian national manufacturer of confectionery products - specializes in the production and sale of flour confectionery products. The products are promoted on the market under the TM "Sanny Day" and TM "World of Lasoshchiv". The company's assortment includes seven groups of sweets.


Production is concentrated in the city of Cherkasy at the Cherkasy Biscuit Factory LLC "World of Lasoshchiv". The factory has installed technological lines of the world's leading brands:

- three "HAAS" wafer lines

- three lines of sugar cookies

- "Minel" line for the production of long-lasting cookies

- "TECON" line for the production of butter and oat biscuits

- a German line for the production of Magdalena cupcakes

- a line of rolls and biscuits.

Production is certified according to ISO 9001:2001 and ISO 22000 standards.


JSC "LVR GROUP" stood at the beginning of the development of the cosmetics business in Ukraine, for the first time since 1997, exclusively importing the world-famous brands LONDA (Germany) and CLIVEN (Italy). For more than 20 years, she exclusively represented the interests of TM BRELIL Professional (Italy) in Ukraine. Today, LLC "KINGSBURY VENTURE GROUP" presents on the cosmetic market of Ukraine products for professional hair care BELLMAR Professional, SEIPUNTOZERO, and DXTINCT (Italy); high-quality cosmetics MIRATO (Italy) - interest in this manufacturer is caused by a wide range of cosmetics for children and teenagers BON BONS and two men's lines INTESA and MALIZIA; cosmetic line MiL MiL (Italy) with an ideal combination of "quality/price" indicators. Our products are presented ​​in all national cosmetic chains of Ukraine: Watsons, ProStor, EVA; large supermarkets, pharmacy chains and beauty salons/hairdressers.

LVR Marketing


"LVR MARKETING" is the first agency in Ukraine with the widest range of marketing services in the FMCG market!

It is the youngest company in the Group of Companies, which provides outsourcing marketing services with more than 70 cases: from brand creation to its promotion to the end consumer.


The transport company "STR Trans" LLC was founded in 2005, in the city of Zolotonosha, Cherkasy region, and became part of the "LVR GROUP" Group of Companies. The creation of our motor transport company was due to the need to provide our customers with timely and guaranteed transport logistics, which, in turn, is impossible without our own fleet. Currently, "STR Trans" LLC has its own ATP with a repair base, and 30 IVECO and Mercedes-Benz road trains, Euro 5 standard.

When transporting goods by road, we take into account the nature and specificity of the goods, as well as all aspects of the client's requirements for its delivery. When working with clients, we apply an individual approach, we offer the most optimal possible options for transporting goods by road, taking into account all interests and wishes.


Central Ukrainian production and assembly enterprise OJSC "Atompromkompleks" carries out its activities in the following directions:

  • Leasing and exploitation of own or leased property.

  • Production of soft drinks, bottled mineral waters.

  • Warehousing, customs warehouses.

  • Market research and public opinion research.

  • Leasing of other machines, equipment and goods.


The essence of LVR Development LLC's activity is the leasing and operation of own or leased real estate, as well as:

  • Real estate management for a fee or on a contract basis.

  • Consulting on commercial activity and management.

Нагороди групи компаній

The productions of the group of companies are constantly developing and take part in international competitions and exhibitions


Our mission: To provide the world with quality goods and services that bring pleasure to people!
Our principles: Consistency. Honesty. Responsibility.




Kyiv, 33B Bulvarno-Kudryavska St

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
​​Saturday: 10am - 2pm
​Sunday: Closed

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